Reach your full potential as a people and business leader.

You are here because you are smart and successful already. (We’re gonna get along great.)

You are also here because you have reached the level where leadership growth becomes a game of inches.

And there’s one thing that separates B-players from A-players...

A-players get coached.

Ready to grow?

Hi. I’m Nicola.

I became a coach because I’ve been there. I’ve been on top of my game in senior leadership roles at beloved companies like Starbucks and Amazon. I’ve also been in slumps where I’ve misstepped or been stepped on and found it hard to get going again.

The one constant through the highs and lows of my professional career was that I never stopped learning and growing. Along the way, I was especially helped by Marshall Goldsmith’s books, working with my own coach, and practicing vipassana meditation.

Eventually I realized I was no longer interested in continuing to climb the corporate ladder. I wanted to help others plumb the depths of their potential in order to rise.

I, too, hit reset.

When you work with me, you’ll have a partner who is a seasoned corporate leader, certified by the world’s best coaching training program, and excited to help you transform into the leader you dare to imagine.

Professional Highlights

Director of Strategy

Head of Innovation Incubator

Sr. Strategy Manager

Who I Coach

  • Executives, senior leaders, and emerging leaders become measurably better.

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  • Breakdown silos, increase collaboration, and make work fun again.

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  • Navigate career transition and find work that is truly fulfilling.

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